Weapon types and categories
The weapons of Retro Carnage are set up via their configuration files so that they can be assigned to different types and categories. These types, categories and their properties are briefly described here.
Weapon types
Weapon types define the behavior of weapons and are programmed into the source code of the game. Each weapon is assigned a weapon type via its configuration file. The weapon type then determines the behavior of the weapon.
Non-automatic weapons
Non-automatic weapons include (almost) all weapons that require ammunition and for which the shots must be fired individually. To do this, the button for firing must be pressed and released again. The firing interval of the weapon therefore depends mainly on the speed of the player's inputs.
Automatic weapons
Automatic weapons fire shots as long as the player keeps the button for firing the weapon pressed and ammunition is available. The speed of the firing sequence is one of the main distinguishing features of these weapons and is defined in the configuration file of the respective weapon.
Anti-tank rocket launchers
Currently there is only one weapons of this type: the RPG-7. The behavior of the RPG-7 is similar to that of other non-automatic weapons. However, the weapon's projectiles are significantly larger and suitable for destroying tanks. They are therefore displayed differently in the game. Anti-tank rockets explode on contact with enemies or when they reach their maximum range.
Hand grenades
Hand grenades do not require a weapon to be used by the player. Their use is analogous to non-automatic weapons. Hand grenades explode on contact with enemies or when they reach their maximum range.
Weapon categories
Weapon categories are used to group properties of weapons. They are not defined by source code but by similarities in the configurations of weapons. They give guidance when weapon configurations are changed by defining certain boundaries that should be considered.
The pistols of the game are all non-automatic weapons with limited range. This makes these weapons a good choice for a secondary weapon - in case the player runs out of ammunition for his primary weapon. Pistols are the most affordable weapons of the game and the ammunition is generally cheap, too.
Submachine guns
In terms of their characteristics, submachine guns lie somewhere between pistols and assault rifles. Unlike pistols, submachine guns are automatic weapons. Their range is similar to that of pistols. Their ammunition is inexpensive.
Shotguns can be automatic and non-automatic. The price of shotguns and their ammunition is higher than that of submachine guns. The range of the weapons is limited. They fire shotgun ammunition, which splits into several smaller projectiles after firing, which spread out in a cone shape.
Assault rifles and machine guns
The category of assault rifles and machine guns has the most elements. All of these heavy rifles are automatic and have a good range and medium prices for ammunition in common. The number of bullets fired per minute and the speed of bullets is the main difference between these weapons.
Sniper rifles
The category of sniper rifles has the second largest group of elements. Sniper rifles are non-automatic weapons with very long range. The best sniper rifles are expensive and use expensive ammunition. Other than in the real world sniper rifles in Retro Carnage have no effect on armored vehicles and fortifications.
Grenade launchers
Grenade launchers are non-automatic weapons that fire 40 mm explosive projectiles. These projectiles behave like other bullets in the way that they share the same behavior with obstacles. Other than grenades these 40 mm projectiles collide with the most obstacles of the game. The main difference of weapons of this category is range.
Anti-tank rocket launcher
Currently this category contains a single weapon only, the RPG-7. The RPG-7 is a non-automatic weapon that fires massive 85 mm projectiles that have the fire power required to destroy tanks. The ammunition is very expensive. But there are situations where such fire power is without alternatives.
Hand grenades
Hand grenades are explosive devices that need no weapon to be used. Hand grenade have a limited range and are relatively expensive. They explode on contact with enemies or when they reach their maximum range - causing damage to a big area on screen.